Mental Space, HD, 06:44, 2014

A vision in a dream. Follow a stream of consciousness deep into a world transformed by the shaping spirit of the imagination.

Mental Space invites immersion onto a dreamed-up Otherworld where visions of coral-like foliage, fiery chasms, emerald jungles and magic flowers proliferate.

Mental Space features an original soundtrack by composer Abi Fry.

Mental Space was awarded BEST FILM at the Swedenborg Film Festival in March 2016.

Please kindly note: to be properly experienced this film should be watched the dark.

“Swaying mesmerically in the overheated water the immense golden petals of the giant aquatic rose held the drowned landscape spellbound. I’d journeyed far to see this, this monstrous deity blooming at the secret heart of an impossible undersea world. As I gazed into the lush recessive folds of the flower’s central core it emitted a deep-bass drone, the sound pulsing outward through the warm amniotic water, reverberating out across the sunken regions of the now collapsing dream.”

The above text is an excerpt from The Deep Well, an article by Toby Tatum that reflects on the making of his 2014 film Mental Space. The article was published in issue two of MIA Journal, appearing among a collection of writings by artists united by a shared enthusiasm for nature & landscape. The full piece is online here.